Storyteller, GK Palmer tells a story at our curated event, Risque. GK will be competing for 2021’s Best Storyteller of Tulsa on May 28, 2022 at the Performing Arts Center in Tulsa.
Slam's happen at Living Arts in Tulsa every second Thursday of the month. 18+ to enter with a $7 door entry. Every event has a theme, and everyone in the audience is invited to share a personal story related to the theme. Not everyone wants to tell a story and that’s okay! We would love for you to come and listen to the stories that are told from our stage. We take the first 10 storytellers to sign up once the doors have opened at Living Arts. "Judges" are audience members and previous storytelllers who score the teller/tale on 4 areas:
TIME (around 5 minutes)
THEME (does your story have the night's theme woven in?)
TRUE (is it a real story, not made up, poetry, musings, etc)
Well-TOLD (is your story engaging, has flow and depth)
The highest scoring teller gets a cash prize and an invitation to participate in the yearly GrandSlam in May. The winner of the May Grand Slam becomes the Best Storyteller in Tulsa!
This part right here is important - Stories must be told, not read from notes, paper, or your iPhone, etc.